Organization: University of Nottingham
Registration deadline: 01 Sep 2017
Starting date: 02 Oct 2017
Ending date: 09 Dec 2017
This three-month course is designed to give an in-depth understanding of international human rights standards through seminars, guest lectures, workshops, visits, tutorials and conferences.
It provides valuable insight and contextual knowledge of the practical operation of human rights law for those interested in human rights protection, from NGOs, international organisations, government, judiciary, police, charity or legal professionals, academia, media and business.
Course description
The course covers the breadth of international human rights standards and systems. Core seminars will cover the UN human rights treaties and declarations and the works of the UN human rights protection mechanisms, including the Human Rights Council, its Universal Periodic Review and Special Procedures, as well as the UN treaty monitoring bodies.
The course is ideal for individuals who want to gain solid knowledge of international human rights standards and systems without undertaking a full postgraduate degree course. It is targeted at those interested in human rights protection from NGOs, international organisations, government, judiciary, police, charity or legal professions, academia, media and business. A legal background is not required.
The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of human rights standards and protection systems throughout the world through seminars, lectures, workshops, tutorials and conferences. It provides valuable insight and contextual knowledge of the practical operation of human rights law. Emphasis throughout will be given to the most recent developments in the practice and the most up-to-date case law.
How to register:
In order to apply, please send following documents to
- Detailed and up to date CV
- A 500 word statement indicating why you should be offered a place on the course
- Details on how you will be funded